Calls by impact funders

When you are looking for grant funding, we are here to support you. We have first-hand knowledge of grant opportunities that match your case and we can build on a strong track record of successful proposals. 

  • Grants  for private sector investment in developing countries usually cover only part of a project budget and require a substantial cash and/or in-kind contribution. In case of development banks, grants are often tied and subject to their provision of a loan.
  • Grant programmes typically target innovative and scalable projects with a high potential payoff in terms of the programmes development goals. Grant programmes are generally organised as competitions that generally attract far more entries than can be funded.
  • Grant funding is financially attractive but comes with strict performance, reporting and accountability conditions. We provide support to help you comply with these requirements.

Only a selection of grant programmes is presented on our website. Contact us for more information!

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develoPPP Classic

Provides technical and financial support of up to €2 million to companies looking to expand their local operations in developing and emerging countries. Projects should foster a long-term business interest in the country, as well as provide sustainable developmental benefits for the local people.

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)

Tailored for innovative enterprises in agribusiness and renewable energy sectors that struggle to access commercial funding. Focus: reducing rural poverty, promoting resilient communities, and job creation. Multiple funding windows are opened regularly.

Business Partnership Facility (BPF)

Provides financial support of between €50,000 and €200,000 to viable, entrepreneurial business initiatives that contribute to the realisation of the SDGs in developing countries. Proposed projects should be part of the ‘core business’ of at least one of the business partners involved.